Iwi Registration

Are you Mākino and do you want to register with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority? 

Are you already a registered member but havent been onboarded? 

Have you been through the onboarding process? If so you can log in here..

Ngāti Mākino and Your Iwi

Tena koe, 

Whakatau mai ra koe ki te paetukutuku hou a Ngāti Mākino. Kua whakahoungia ta tatau paetukutuku

kia mama ake to kuhu mai, kia ngawari te huri haere a kia ahei hoki koe te whakatikatika i āu kōrero mōhou tonu

kia pai to raweke haere kia pai anō hoki to kimi i tāu e hiahia ana. Mauri ora! 

Welcome, to our new website which also gives you access to your membership profile with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. This website is wholly managed by Ngāti Mākino. We have also migrated the iwi register from Wild Apricot to Your Iwi which is an Aotearoa provider.

We are pleased the migration to Your Iwi has been successful and all of our Mākino iwi members that were registered with us previously can now log into their membership profiles to;

We have included some video tutorials (scroll down) to assist you with navigating around your membership profile. 

The new website, and the transfer of the iwi register to Your Iwi gives us an opportunity to update our iwi register, 

fix the glitches that arose in 2020 and maintain a fully functional accurate register.   

He ora whakapiri he mate whakawehe e! ......Life abounds in whanaungatanga and withers with disunity

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Onboarding Process

Onboarding into the Your Iwi members Portal

Every iwi member that is registered with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority will be able to access the members portal. You are still registered with us, you dont need to re-register we will just need to assist you to get digital access. 

How do I access the members portal?

If you have already been onboarded you can click here and log in with your member ID or email address and your password.

If you havent been onboarded you can click here and enter your first name, last name and member ID. You will then be taken through a process to update your contact details and then you will be able to access the members portal. 

What if I dont know my member ID?

Cintina is able to assist you at our office cintina@ngatimakino.co.nz or 07 343 6588

Is there other information available to assist me with this process?

We have video resources available to assist you.

Using the "Mākino invite screen"

Invite Screen

Did you receive an email from us inviting you to log into your Your Iwi Profile? Click here to go to the invite screen. A reminder you will need your Member ID. 

If you already went through this process then you can log in as per normal with your Member ID or email and Password.

Ngāti Mākino Invite Screen

Image of "Invite screen"

How to use the Ngāti Mākino Invite screen?

How to video resources

These how-to videos are tutorials that assist our iwi members with easy access to their Mākino Membership Profile. 

What can you do while awaiting Membership Approval? 

How to register with Your Iwi?

How to access your Approved Ngāti Mākino Membership profile?

How to use the Ngāti Mākino Invite screen?

Handy QR codes

You can use these QR codes for your mobile devices so you can have quick access to REGISTER or to CONFIRM YOUR REGISTRATION using the INVITE SCREEN

Invite screen

This QR code will link you to the invite screen where you will go through a process to onboard onto Your Iwi

New iwi registration

This QR code will take you the website to register if you have not registered with Ngāti Mākino before

Log into your profile

This QR code should only be used once you have successfully onboarded onto Your Iwi

This is for all iwi members who were registered previously. 

Are you Mākino and do you want to register with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority? 

Have you been through the onboarding process? If so you can log in here..