Grants & Distributions
The next round of grants opens from Monday 15 January 2024 and will close on 18 December 2024 ( Tertiary Grant, Kaumatua Grant and Kaumatua Heating Grants will close on 04 June 2024). The Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust have determined the key focus areas for this years grants and distributions and amounts allocated to each of these focus areas.
The following are the four main areas for 2024:
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Tertiary Grant is to support iwi members or their descendants to attain a higher qualification.
The Grant is also made to encourage and grow iwi whanaungatanga and iwi leadership, therefore all successful uri are required to fully participate and engage in Ngāti Mākino, hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.
Tertiary Grants are made available for tertiary study and apprenticeships.
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Kaumatua Grant is to support our Kaumatua.
Recognise and acknowledge the significant contribution made by Kuia and Koroua who uphold and maintain ahi kā, who uphold Ngāti Mākino mana, kawa and tikanga at our primary marae - Ōtamarākau.
Recognise and acknowledge the significant contribution made by Kuia and Koroua who are now aged or infirmed but who have upheld and maintained the ahi kā in their younger life at Ōtamarākau marae and who are unable to do so now.
Recognise and acknowledge the significant contribution made by Kuia and Koroua who uphold and maintain ahi kā at Otamarākau marae, in our wharekai or through marae facilities maintenance or grounds maintenance
Kaumatua Heating Grant
The purpose of the Kaumatua Heating Application is to manaaki our Kaumatua / Kuia so their well-being is enhanced during te wa makariri.
The purpose of the Hauora Grant is to help improve the health and well being of all Ngāti Mākino uri and to encourage greater participation and engagement in Ngāti Mākino hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.
Hauora grants are provided as a contribution to the costs of one off hauora needs, that improve the quality of life of iwi members.
Hearing Aid Grant
The purpose of the Hearing Aid Grant is to help improve the hearing of our registered Ngāti Mākino uri 16 years and older.
The hearing aid grant will provide fifty (50) registered iwi members with free hearing tests and a fully funded* pair of hearing aids, exclusively with Triton Hearing per year.
*Fully funded means that the hearing aid devices are being funded by Ngāti Mākino, Ministry of Health and Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).