Koeke Grants
Hai awhi me manaaki ngā koeke katoa o Ngāti Mākino
Opens: Monday 13 January 2025 - Closes: Friday 30 May 2025
Koeke Grant
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Koeke Grant is to support our Koeke.
Recognise and acknowledge the significant contribution made by Koeke who uphold the ahi kā at our primary marae Ōtamarākau and uphold the mana of Ngāti Mākino at tangihanga, hui, and other events around the motu throughout the year.
Recognise and acknowledge Koeke who have and continue to tautoko at wānanga , tangihanga and events at our primary marae Ōtamarākau.
Māraurau me te Paearu
Eligibility & Criteria
All applicants for Koeke grants must be registered Ngāti Mākino members.
All applicants must of your own volition keep their details updated.
All applicants must:
Meet all relevant specified criteria including; closing date, age requirement (65 years plus), verified bank account,
proof of identity.
Apply in the first instance and then will be rolled over automatically in the following years.
Occasionally the office will seek to confirm Koeke member details.
All Grants are at the discretion of the Trustees
Moni Utu
All payments will be made to member bank accounts
Bank account verification to be provided
Koeke Heating Grant
The purpose of the Koeke Heating Grant is to tiaki and whakamahana our Koeke during ngā marama makariri.
Māraurau me te Paearu
Eligibility & Criteria
You are 65 years and over
You are a registered member with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
You reside in the Waiariki region
If you have an electrical or gas heating system in your home, you can apply for a one off grant which will be equivalent to the cost of the firewood . You must include a copy of your heating and or gas bill as evidence.
Firewood is delivered to the home of the Koeke at no cost - 3m2 of split firewood.
Moni Utu
For the electricity contribution, payment will be made directly to the electricity provider