
Poutiri Nurses Clinic at Ōtamarākau Marae 8 October 2024

Updated Wednesday, 2 October - 10.50 am

Ngā mihi mahana e te whānau,

There will be a nurses clinic through Poutiri Wellness Centre, at Ōtamarākau Marae on Tuesday 8 October from 9.00am to 11.00 am.

Nau mai, haere mai!

Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui
Updated Monday,  19 August - 11.15am 2024

RESCEHDULED - Ngā mihi manahau  e te whānau,

A Kōeke hui has been rescheduled for Monday 23th September 2024 @10am at Pukehina Marae Please see below.


Please let us know if you have not received minutes of the hui held at Pounamunui Marae on the 8th of July.

Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Te Arawa Fisheries - Ruku Pai

Updated on 2 August 2024 at 10:15am

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui
Updated Wednesday 3rd July 3.55pm 2024

Ngā mihi manahau  e te whānau,

A Kōeke hui has been scheduled for Monday 8th July 2024 @10am at Pounamunui Marae. Please see below.


Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority


Updated on Monday 24 June 2024 at 5:00pm

Hui at Pounamunui Marae - Sunday 23rd June @ 10am

Updated Wednesday 20th June 2.00pm

E te iwi,

He karere noa ake teneki kia tatau katoa nga uri whakaheke i a Rakeiao, i a Kawatapuarangi, i a Apumoana, i a Kawiti, i a Makino kia huihuia mai tatau ki runga i te Pa o Pounamunui ki te poho o to tatau tupuna o Houmaitawhiti a te 15 o te marama o Hune kei te 10 o nga haora i te ata. Ka tu te hui hei whakahoki korero mai i te Hui Taumata i tu ai ki roto o Ngaati Kahungunu i nga rangi tata nei. Ko te tumanako ia, ka tae wawe mai kotou katoa.

Where: Pounamunui Marae

When: Sunday 23 June, 10am

Nga Kaupapa Korero:

- Te Hui Taumata {Kahungunu}

- Rangatahi {ta ratau Rautaki}

- Te Tirohanga {Nga tu-whare-o te Wananga}

- Nga maraetopu

Na reira, haere mai tatau katoa ki te korerorero me te whakarongo ki nga kaupapa nei.

Naaku Noa: Matawhaiariki Hohepa


Updated Monday 17 June 2024 at 3:38pm

Tēnā koutou e ngā tini whanaunga, mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki!

We are looking to provide transport for the morning of 29th June Hautapu (x2 40 seater buses) to travel from Rotorua to Ōtamarākau Marae. Pick up locations and departure times are available as below. If you would like to secure your seat on one of our buses please complete the forms below.


To register for Pahi 1 - click here https://forms.gle/ok6g46q6xvhmnnkZ6 


To register for Pahi 2 - click here https://forms.gle/w3yM2MZs6dbmEpqY7 

Kia manawanui kia ngākau māhaki,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

POSTPONED - Hui at Pounamunui Marae - Saturday 15th June @ 10am

Updated Thursday  13th June, 8.25am

Ata mārie e te whānau,

The hui for tomorrow at Pounamunui has been postponed to a later date due to the passing of Ngaro Morehu, younger brother to Te Ariki Morehu.

Moe mai rā e te Pāpā.

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Hui at Pounamunui Marae - Saturday 15th June @ 10am

Updated Monday 10th June 2.20pm

E te iwi,

He karere noa ake teneki kia tatau katoa nga uri whakaheke i a Rakeiao, i a Kawatapuarangi, i a Apumoana, i a Kawiti, i a Makino kia huihuia mai tatau ki runga i te Pa o Pounamunui ki te poho o to tatau tupuna o Houmaitawhiti a te 15 o te marama o Hune kei te 10 o nga haora i te ata. Ka tu te hui hei whakahoki korero mai i te Hui Taumata i tu ai ki roto o Ngaati Kahungunu i nga rangi tata nei. Ko te tumanako ia, ka tae wawe mai kotou katoa.

Where: Pounamunui Marae

When: Saturday 15 June, 10am

Nga Kaupapa Korero:

- Te Hui Taumata {Kahungunu}

- Rangatahi {ta ratau Rautaki}

- Te Tirohanga {Nga tu-whare-o te Wananga}

- Nga maraetopu

Na reira, haere mai tatau katoa ki te korerorero me te whakarongo ki nga kaupapa nei.

Naaku Noa: Matawhaiariki Hohepa

Nurses Clinic - Ōtaramarākau Marae

Updated Monday 10th June 2pm

Mauri Ora e te whānau,

Tomorrow 11th of June, Poutiri Wellness Centre are holding a nurses clinic at Otamarakau Marae from 9.30am.

Nau mai, haere mai!

Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority



Updated Thursday 30 May 2024 at 12.20pm

Mauri Ora e te whānau, 

The closing date for the Kaumātua Grant and the Tertiary Grant has been changed from 

Friday 31 May  to Tuesdy 4 June 2024.

Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Hautapu Wānanga
Updated Friday 26 April at 1.45pm

For those attending the Ngāti Mākino Hautapu Wānanga tomorrow Saturday 27 April @Ōtamarākau Marae, please be advised that there will be a hikoi (short walk) up to Pā Mourea. Please ensure you wear warm clothing and appropriate footwear.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Te Pae o Kahukura Information Night
Updated Monday 15 April  at 1.50pm

Ko te wānanga tōku whare, ko te reo tōku whakaruruhau,
Ko ōku kawa tōku hiranga tapu, ko āku tikanga tōku pou whakawhenua

Ko Te Pae o Kahukura tōku āhuru mōwai

E ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino kua tuwhera anō ngā tatau o te whare reo o Te Pae o

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority welcomes you to our information evening for Te Pae o
Kahukura reo programme for 2024.
Kei hea: 1256 Arawa Street, ROTORUA
Āhea: Rākaunui o Paengawhāwhā, Wednesday 24th April
Te wā: 6pm - 7pm

There are 2 links for Information night.
Link 1 - Attending in person
Link 2 - Attending online via ZOOM.

IN PERSON - For those attending in person click on this link to register by
Friday 19th of April.

ZOOM - For those unable to attend in person you can join us by ZOOM on the night
click on this link  to register your email by Friday 19th of April.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui
Updated Tuesday 26 March at 8.50am

A Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Tuesday 2nd April 10am at Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau. Please see below for the agenda.


   8.General Business

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority


The TE PAE O KAHUKURA Information night due to take place 27th March, 5pm-6pm has now been postponed. We will keep you updated. 

For those unable to attend in person you can join us by zoom on the night. Click on this link  to register your email by 12pm on 27th March.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Register now for Te Kotahitanga o Te Arawa Waka Fisheries Trust AGM



The shareholders of Te Kotahitanga O Te Arawa Waka Fisheries Trust are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Te Whare Tapere conference room at Te Puia in Rotorua on Friday 19 April, 2024 at 2pm.

The agenda and Annual report will be released in advance of the AGM and available on our website.

Online attendance will be available, a link will be sent prior to the meeting.

RSVP to info@tearawafisheries.maori.nz by 5pm, Friday April 12 2024, with:

If you haven’t registered as a shareholder yet – please register through the link or email to update personal details to iwi@tearawafisheries.maori.nz.

Office Closed - Tuesday 27 February 2024
Updated 26 February 2024 at  1.50pm

Kia ora Ngāti Mākino, the office will be closed for staff training on Tuesday 27 February 2024. If you have any enquiries please contact Laurance Tamati (General Manager) on 027 616 7212.

The office will resume, Wednesday 28 February 2024 9am-3pm.  

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority 

Account Verification for Grant Payments
Updated 19 January 2024 at 11.25

As you may be aware, the Ngāti Mākino Grants for 2024 are now live. 

Any payments that are made directly to an iwi member's bank account cannot be made without “Account Verification(a deposit slip, bank statement or a screenshot of your name and account number). This is due to the new Anti Money Laundering rules and the increasing phishing schemes that have been happening, our creditors team have had to update their payment process to provide additional checks of bank account information to ensure payments are going to legitimate people.

You can provide us your account verification by emailing admin@ngatimakino.co.nz or pop in to see us at our office 1256 Arawa Street, Rotorua. 

Kaumatua Grants

For those Kaumatua who provided their account verification last year your grant applications will automatically roll over.

Please call us at the office if you have any questions 07 343 6588.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Phone: 07 343 6588

Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

2024 Ngāti Mākino Grants are OPEN
Updated on 15 January 2024 at 11.45am

Our 2024 Grants are now LIVE. Our grants will remain open from 15 January 2024 - December 2024 (Tertiary, Kaumatua and Kaumatua Heating Grants will close on 31 May 2024). Please see below for a brief description of each grant.

Tertiary Education Grant - Apply here
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Tertiary Grant is to support iwi members or their descendants to attain a higher qualification.

The Grant is also made to encourage and grow iwi whanaungatanga and iwi leadership, therefore all successful uri are required to fully participate and engage in Ngāti Mākino, hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.

Tertiary Grants are made available for tertiary study and apprenticeships.

Kaumatua Grant - Apply here
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Kaumatua Grant is to support our Kaumatua.

Kaumatua Heating Grant - Apply here
The purpose of the Kaumatua Heating Application is to manaaki our Kaumatua / Kuia so their well-being is enhanced during te wa makariri. 

Hauora Grant - Apply here
The purpose of the Hauora Grant is to help improve the health and well being of all Ngāti Mākino uri and to encourage greater participation and engagement in Ngāti Mākino hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.

Hauora grants are provided as a contribution to the costs of one off hauora needs, that improve the quality of life of iwi members

Hearing Aid Grant - Apply here
The purpose of the Hearing Aid Grant is to help improve the hearing of our registered Ngāti Mākino uri 16 years and older.

The hearing aid grant will provide fifty (50) registered iwi members with free hearing tests and a fully funded* pair of hearing aids, exclusively with Triton Hearing per year.

*Fully funded means that the hearing aid devices are being funded by Ngāti Mākino, Ministry of Health and Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).  

Your Iwi Members Portal
All grant applications are made through our system Your Iwi. If you need support with getting access or applying for our grants please contact our office.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Recruitment Opportunity - POU TIKANGA
Updated Monday 11 December at 10.30am

We are looking to recruit a Pou Tikanga. Applications open from today, Monday 11 December at 1pm and will close this Friday 15 December at 4.30pm.
Apply for this position by emailing Laurance Tamati - laurance@ngatimakino.co.nz with a cover letter and CV.

See below for more details:

Ngāti Mākino Hauora Grant and Hearing Aid Grant closing soon
Updated Monday 4 December 12.30pm

A gentle reminder, the 2023 Hauora and Hearing Aid Grants will be closing on Friday 15 December 2023 at 3pm.

If you would like to apply please click on the link you require below.

HAUORA GRANT - click here
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Hauora Grant is to help improve the health and well being of all Ngāti Mākino uri and to encourage greater participation and engagement in Ngāti Mākino hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.

Hauora grants are provided as a contribution to the costs of one off hauora needs, that improve the quality of life of iwi members. Hauora grants are not made to meet day to day hauora care such as regular doctor / dentist / physio etc visits nor are they distributed for personal choice decisions.

HEARING AID GRANT - click here
The purpose of the Hearing Aid Grant is to help improve the hearing of our registered Ngāti Mākino uri 16 years and older.

The hearing aid grant will provide fifty (50) registered iwi members with free hearing tests and a fully funded* pair of hearing aids, exclusively with Triton Hearing per year.

*Fully funded means that the hearing aid devices are being funded by Ngāti Mākino, Ministry of Health and/or Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Group - Annual General Meeting
Updated Monday 27 November 1.45pm

A gentle reminder, we have our Annual General Meeting this Saturday 2 December 2023, 10am at Ōtamarākau Marae.

Ngāti Mākino Annual Report
Updated Monday 27 November 1.15pm

The Ngāti Mākino Annual Report for 2023 is now available for viewing. 

Please click here 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Office closed for the day - 23 November 2023

Updated Wednesday 22 November at 6:00pm

Our Office will be closed for business tomorrow (Thursday 23 November) and will resume normal office hours from Friday 24 November

Rā Hauora  Pānui
Updated Wednesday  15 November at 2pm

Tena ra koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino,

He mihi tēnei ki a koutou katoa i whakakanohi i ou koutou, otira i ou tātou whānau ki tō tātou Rā Hauora katahi ano ka hori. Na to koutou taenga mai i ea ai te kaupapa.

Kai ngā ringa raupā i tae mai hei tautoko i te kaupapa, Poutiri Trust, Triton Hearing, Tino Kai, Krissie, Karen, Sonia kōrua tahi ko Geoff otirā kai to tātou tuahine a Te Oriwa. Katahi te rā te kounga o ā koutou nā mahi, o ā koutou nā kōrero. He whakapiki wairua, he koanga ngākau tā te marea i te otinga atu. E kore te puna o aroha, o mihi e maroke i te rā.

Kai ngā ringawera o te rā, Joseph koutou ko tō kāhui, kaore e kore i puta a pito, i hākoakoa katoa a ngākau na te reka o ngā kai i whakaritea e koutou. Me mihi ki a koutou kā tika me te mōhio, ahakoa ki tēhea marae tae atu koe, ko te kounga, te kore kounga rānei o ngā kai ka noho mātāmua ki te hirikapo, ā, kei taumata ano ēra o ngā kai e hoa mā.

Kai tō tātou kapa o Ngāti Mākino, no mātou te maringa nui i piri mai ano koutou me tō iwi. Poho kererū katoa ana te iwi i te kitenga atu i a koutou e whakangāhau ana i te iwi. Ko te tūmanako a tōna wā. Ko koutou tērā ka noho hei kapa whakataetae ki ngā whakataetae ā rohe.

Hei whakatepe i ēnei o ngā mihi, ka tīkina ake au i tērā o ngā kōrero “Ki te tika a muri, ka tika hoki a mua”. No reira ki a koutou e te whānau o te marae o Ōtamarākau me te kāhui o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. Kia mōhio mai koutou, kaore tēnei rā i eke na te mahi a te taki tahi, engari na ngā mahi a te taki tini. Ko koutou i ūpoko pakarū, ko koutou te take i eke ai tēnei Rā Hauora ki tōna taumata.

Nā mātou te iwi o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Tena ra koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

We would like to acknowledge all of our whānau who attended our Rā Hauora event at Ōtamarākau Marae over the weekend.

Thank you to our providers Poutiri Trust, Triton Hearing and our guest speakers Sonia, Geoff and Te Oriwa. Thank you to Artful Addiction ( Face Painting), Tino Kai, Krissie Knap and Only Us Catering. The wealth of knowledge, experience, kai and entertainment you all provided for our iwi was highly appreciated. 

To our kapa o Ngāti Mākino, thank you for your entertainment. We are all grateful knowing many of you came from your regional practices to entertain us. 

Thank you to everyone who helped behind the scenes, all the whānau at Ōtamarākau Marae and our team. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon. 

Na mātou o te kāhui o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Change of Venue for Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui
Updated Wednesday 8 November at 1pm

Our Koeke Hui scheduled for Monday 13 November at 10am, has now been moved to Te Takinga Marae. Please see agenda below.


Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Reminder - Ngāti Mākino Rā Hauora Registrations Closing
Updated Tuesday 7 November at 10.30am

A gentle reminder we have our Rā Hauora, Saturday 11 November 10am @ Ōtamarākau Marae. Registrations for this event will close Wednesday 8 November at 3pm. This is a catered event so please click here to register.

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - Monday 13 November
Updated Monday 6 November at 1.15pm

A gentle reminder we have a Koeke Hui scheduled for Monday 13 November at Houmaitawhiti Marae at 10am. Please see below for the agenda.


Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Group - Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023
Updated 3 November at 2.05pm

Ngāti Mākino Trustee Election Process Update
Updated 3 November at 2.15pm

Ngāti Mākino Rā Hauora - 11 November 2023
Updated 30 October at 12.35pm

Kai aku iti, kai aku rahi, ko tenei te reo pōhiri e rere nei ki a koutou katoa.

Hei te 11 o Nōema 2023, ka tū ai to tātou rā hauora mo te iwi ki Ōtamarākau Marae.

Ko te kaupapa mo tēnei o ngā huihuinga ko te hauora me āna tini āhua. Ko te hauora o te tinana, hinengaro, wairua me te taiao ano hoki.

Ka whai wāhi atu he tangata ki te whakangahau i te iwi, mo te roanga o te rā. Ko to tātou kapa o Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Mākino ka tae mai hoki hei whakangāhau i a tātou.

Mo tēnei o ngā huihuinga, ka whakarite he tangata peita kanohi mo ngā tamariki, ētehi pākihi hauora pērā ki a Poutiri Trust. Ko a rātou mahi he whakaako ki te iwi ki ngā āhuatanga pērā ki te Mirimiri, romiromi, ngā ahuatanga o te mate hinengaro, me ēra momo āhuatanga o te hauora.

Hei te otinga atu, ko te whainga matua, he whakaako i te iwi ki ngā tini āhuatanga o tēnei mea te hauora.

Hei a taihoa ake nei, hui tahi ano ai tātou e te iwi.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Kia Ora rā tātou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

We will be hosting our Rā Hauora event on 11th November at Ōtamarākau Marae from 10am. This event aims to educate our people on several aspects of hauora from a Māori outlook with a focus on physical hauora and mental hauora. 

Entertainment will be provided throughout the day, this includes our very own kapa who debuted recently at the Ngāti Pikiao Ahurei, Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Mākino. 

There will be other whānau onsite such as Triton Hearing, Poutiri Trust to offer services around mirimiri and educating our people around mental health and mental well being.

Registrations will close on Wednesday 8 November at 3pm.

This is a catered event so please click here to register 

We hope you can partake in our event with the hope of being better educated around what hauora is and means to us and how vital this information is for us as a people heading into the future. We hope to see you all there e te iwi.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - 13 November 2023
Updated 19 October at 11am

A Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Monday 13 November at 10am at Houmaitawhiti/Pounamunui Marae.  Please see below for the agenda.


1.     Karakia/Mihi

2.     Apologies

3.     Confirmation of Agenda

4.     Minutes of last meeting

5.     Matters arising

6.     Representation on Mauao Board

7.     Revisit past agenda items (Maketu Lands, Where Takatāpui should sit.)

8.     General Business

Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Wānanga Update
Updated Saturday 7 October at 6.45am

Tena koutou e te whānau,

The Wānanga scheduled for today is going ahead. Please be at Te Takinga Marae at 9am.

A gentle reminder to wear appropriate clothing and footwear as there will be a short hikoi once we arrive in Mauao.

Kia haumaru te noho e te whānau

Wānanga Update
Updated 6 October 2023 at 2pm

Tena koutou e te whānau,

The weather conditions are not looking too good for tomorrows Wananga so for Health and Safety reasons. If the weather continues to turn we will make a call at 7am tomorrow morning on whether we will postpone or not.

A gentle reminder to those attending please bring appropriate clothing and footwear for trekking, there will be a hīkoi involved at Mauao when we arrive.

Kia haumaru te noho e te whānau.

Ngāti Mākino Wānanga - Saturday 7 October 2023 @ Te Takinga Marae
Updated 28 September at 1.45pm

Tena ra koutou e ngā uri a Tutauaroa.

Mākino iwi, Mākino tangata. Ko tenei te reo o mihi e rere ana.

Ko tenei hoki te reo pōhiri te rere nei ki a koutou e ngā kāwai whakaheke o Ngāti Mākino whānui. Hei te 07 o Oketopa 2023, ka tu ai to tātou wānanga. Ko tēnei o ngā wānanga he haerenga ki te maunga o Mauao ki roto o Tauranga Moana. Ko te kaupapa ko ngā kōrero tuku iho mo to tātou tupuna a Tutauaroa, ā, ka pehea hoki ka riro ki a ia te kainoho tuatahi ki runga o Mauao.

Ko ngā kai kōrero o te rā ko Timi Te Po raua ko John Rapana. E rua ngā pahi ka kawea atu, ka wehe ngā pahi mai i Te Tākinga Marae hei te 10am, ka hoki mai ki te kainga hei te 3pm.

Kua noho tapu a Te Tākinga kia waiho ai tātou i o tātou waka ki reira mo te roanga o te ra, ma te pahi e kawe i te hunga ka tae mai mo tēnei o ngā wānanga.

Kua whakarite hoki e te whānau o Pā Kai etehi kai mā tātou ki te kawe atu mo tēnei o ngā haerenga kia kaua a pukuriri e puta mai na te kaha hia kai te take ktk.

Ka taupokingia te nama o ngā tāngata ka whakaaetia ki runga i ngā pahi ki te 80 kia kaua e kī rawa ngā pahi. No reira kia kakama to rēhita mai e hika mā.

Ina ko koe tetehi ka tae mai ki tēnei o ngā wānanga, tēna koa kia mataara te tae moata mai, tē taea ngā kai taraiwa o ngā pahi te tatari ina ka tae tōmuri mai koe. Hei te 9am ka tuku kōrero a John raua ko Timi mo ngā nekehanga o te rā, ā, ka wehe pū mātou hei te 10am.

Hei a tāihoa ake nei huI tahi ano ai tātou e te iwi.

Na te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Tena ra koutou e ngā uri a Tutauaroa,

It is with great pleasure that we extend this invitation to our upcoming wānanga, another significant event for nga uri o Mākino.

Date: 7th October 2023 

Arrival: Te Takinga Marae at 09:00 AM

Departure: Te Takinga Marae at 10:00 AM 

Destination: Mauao, Mt Maunganui

Return: 3:00 PM (Lunch will be provided)

During this gathering, we are honoured to have Timi Te Po and John Rapana as our guest speakers. They will be sharing their kōrero tuku iho, providing valuable insights into the remarkable journey of our ancestor Tutauaroa and how he became the original occupant of Mauao.

We encourage you all to arrive at 9am if possible, this is when John and Timi will be providing a brief kōrero before we depart. This will also ensure that we are all onsite when our buses are ready to leave, they are on a very strict time limit and will depart no later than 10am. So if you are not present by this time unfortunately your seat will be vacated.

To ensure the quality of our wānanga and maintain an intimate atmosphere, we will be limiting the number of participants to 80. Early registration is encouraged to secure your spot; please click here to register.

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to come together, learn, and reconnect with our whanau and heritage. This wananga is a chance for us to strengthen our bonds and celebrate our unique culture and history.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Na mātou te kāhui o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - Monday 2 October 2023
Updated 26 September 8.45am

A Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Monday 2nd October 10am at Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau. Please see below for the agenda.


Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Office Closed
Updated 22 September 10.30am

Kia ora Ngāti Mākino, the office will close today Friday 22 September at 12pm in preparation for Ngāti Pikiao Ahurei.  See you all at Te Waiiti Marae to celebrate the debut of Te Kapa o Ngāti Mākino Pakeke and Tamariki Kapa Haka plus all the other roopu taking the stage. Office will resume normal hours Monday 25 September 9am-3pm.

Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Kapa Haka o Ngāti Mākino
Updated 20 September 2023 at 1.15pm

Kai ngā uri o Tutauaroa, o to tātou tupuna kuia a Mākino.

Ko tēnei te reo o karanga te rere nei ki a koutou, otirā ki a tātou katoa ngā uri.

Hei tēnei rā horoi te 23 o Hepetema, ka tū te hui ahurei o Ngāti Pikiao.

Koianei te ōrokohanga mai o to tātou kapa a Ngāti Mākino ki te mura o te ahi o papa tū waewae, ki runga o Te Waiiti Marae.

Kia kaha rā tātou te whakakotahi atu, ki te tautoko i tēnei o ngā kaupapa kā tahi, kā rua, i tō tātou kapa mo to rātou tū tuatahi.

Ko tēnei o ngā kapa, he mea i ahu mai i ngā wawata me ngā moemoea o to tātou pāpā a Muriwai, ā, hei a taihoa ake nei ka ea ai tēra o ngā moemoeā.

He tuatahitanga tēnei mo to tātou iwi me te mana nui kai roto i tēra. No reira kia kotahi te hoe, kia koke whakamua ai to tātou waka.

Kei raro iho, ka kite he aha ngā nekenekehanga mo te rā.

Nā mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

To all our uri of Tutauaroa and our ancestral kuia Mākino.

This Saturday the 23rd of September, Te Hui Ahurei o Ngāti Pikiao will be taking place.

This is a call to arms to all of us as uri to descend upon Te Waiiti Marae to support our Ngāti Pikiao whānau and to witness the debut of our very own pakeke and Tamariki kapa haka for Ngāti Mākino.

This kapa has been a long-standing dream and aspiration of our late Pāpā Muriwai and this Saturday we have the privilege of making this dream and aspiration a reality.

So we encourage you all to partake in this significant moment for our iwi as we witness the debut of what will undoubtedly be a vessel for us as Mākino uri heading in to the future.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Ngāti Pikiao Ahurei
Updated 20 September at 1.15pm

Exciting Job Opportunity - Te Wahapū o Waihī

E rau rangatahi mā, anei ētahi tūranga hirahira e pā ana ki te tiakina i ā tātou taiao. Tono mai. Toitū te taiao, toitū te Iwi!

Mahi Taiao: Exciting Conservation Internship and Job Opportunities!

Are you passionate about conservation and eager to kickstart your career in this field? We've got some fantastic opportunities lined up just for you!

We're on the hunt for 10 enthusiastic rangatahi who are ready to dive into the world of conservation. Our summer internship is designed to provide you with a truly unique experience. The internship will run from mid-December to early-February, so get ready for an unforgettable journey towards a rewarding environmental conservation career.

But that's not all! We're also on the lookout for an exceptional individual who can support the development and delivery of our internship programme. If you're passionate about the environment and want to make a difference, we want to hear from you!

Interested or have questions? Check out our website or tag someone who should see this!

Me mahi tahi tātou ki te tiakina i ā tātou taiao! Let's protect our planet together!

REMINDER: Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui 7th August 2023

A gentle reminder that we have a koeke hui scheduled for Monday 7 August from 10am @ Ōtamarākau Marae. Please see below for the agenda;

Na mātou te whanau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - 7 August 2023
Updated on 27 July 2023 at 9.23am

A Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Monday 7 August at 10am, Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.

Ngā mihi

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Office Closed
Updated on  25 July 2023 at  9.00am

Tena Koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Kia manawanui mai, engari hei te Wenerei te 26 o Hūrae. Kua kati to mātou tari mo te ra. Ka taea tonu koutou te tuku karere mai ki wā mātou waea mahi ina he pātai.

Kia haumaru te noho e te iwi.

Tena Koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Our office will be closed Wednesday the 26th of July. We can still be contacted via our work phones.

Kia haumaru te noho e te iwi.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Office Closed

Updated on 11 July 2023 at 11.15am

Due to staff attending the Hautapu Umukohukohu Whetū at Motutawa, the office will be closed Wednesday 12 July 2023. We will resume office hours 9am-3pm Thursday 13 July 2023.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Hautapu Umukohukohu Whetū

Updated on 11 July 2023 at 8.30am

A gentle reminder, on behalf of our whanaunga of Ngāti Hinerangi/Ngāti Hinekiri, we would like to extend an invitation to all Ngāti Mākino uri to attend this years Hautapu Umukohukohu Whetū o Te Tokotoru a Manawakotokoto.

Every year we celebrate the constellation stars known as Matariki, which is also an opportunity to farewell our loved ones before they pass on beyond the realm in which we live.

We are fortunate this year to be in a position to attend, learn, observe and support our whanaunga. These learnings will provide us with a strong foundation to deliver a future Ngāti Mākino Hautapu Ceremony.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Te Pae o Kahukura Rā Whakanui

Updated on 10 July 2023 at 10.30am

I te mutunga wiki katahi ano ka hori, i whakanuia mātou i te pōtaetanga tuarua mo Te Pae o Kahukura ki Te Waiiti Marae.

Ko tēnei te au o mihi e rere ana ki ngā tauira i eke panuku, i eke ki te tiketiketanga o Te Pae o Kahukura. I a koe e taka ana i te huarahi o te reo, herea ko ou whakaakoranga hei waka kawe mou.

Ki te whānau whānui i tae mai ki te whakanui i tēnei o ngā kaupapa, e kore e ea ngā mihi i te kupu, e kore e ea i te kōrero. Ko koutou i toutou i ngā ahi o te kainga kia whakarauora ai ngā tauira i tō tatou reo, i runga i tēra āhuatanga, me mihi kā tika.

E mihi kau ana hoki ki ngā pou o te whare o Te Pae o Kahukura. Matene Simon, Te Kanapu Rangitauira koutou ko Rangitiaria Tibble. Mei kore ake koutou, kua kore tēnei kaupapa e eke, kua kore tēnei kauapapa e tutuki, kua kore te reo o Mākino e whakarauora hei tā-moko ki te arero o ēnei o ngā uri.

Otirā ki a tātou katoa i tautoko i tēnei kaupapa, ahakoa tāna iti, ahakoa tāna nui. Ka tīkina ake tēra o ngā kōrero "Ki te tika a muri, ka tika hoki a mua" No reira e kore te puna o mihi e mimiti mo koutou Ngāti Mākino whānui.

Mānawatia a Matariki e te whānau. 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Invitation to Tender for Catering Services

Updated on 7 July 2023 at 9:53am

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority is seeking a professional catering service to provide food and beverage services for events and meetings hosted by The Ngāti Mākino Group. We invite interested catering companies to submit their proposals for consideration.

1. Scope of Services:

2. Requirements for Tender Submission:

   Interested catering service providers are requested to submit the following information:

3. Evaluation Criteria:
  The evaluation of submitted tenders will be based on the following criteria:

4. Submission Deadline and Contact Information:

The deadline for submitting tenders is 21 July 2023 at 5.00pm. Tenders should be submitted via email to admin@ngatimakino.co.nz  or mailed to the following address:


Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

1256 Arawa Street


For any clarifications or inquiries regarding this tender, please contact Cintina Miki at cintina@ngatimakino.co.nz  or 07 343 6588.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and potentially establishing a mutually beneficial partnership. Please note that Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender received without providing reasons for its decision.

Thank you for your interest in working with us.

Nāku iti nei, nā

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Wānanga - Extension of Thanks
Updated 27 June 2023 at 2.20pm

Kai aku nui, kai aku rahi, tenei te reo o mihi e rere nei ki a koutou katoa i tae mai ki to tātou wānanga i te mutunga wiki kua tahā ake nei.

Ki tō tatou mātanga whakapapa a Timi Te Po, e kore te puna o mihi e mimiti mo te nui o ngā kōrero tuku iho i whangaia e koe ki te iwi. Nā mātou ano te whiwhi, nā mātou ano te maringa nui,

Ki te whānau whānui o te marae o Pounamunui, e kaha rongo i te wairua manaaki, aroha me te kaha poipoi i ou uri ki runga i to tātou mārae, ko te wairua māori e kaha rāngona ana i taua rangi.

Ki te hunga i tae mai ki te tautoko i tēnei o ngā wānanga, mei kore ake koutou kua kore e ea ai tēnei o ngā kaupapa.

No reira mai i a mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority, tenei a mihi aroha, a mihi whakamiha e rere nei ki a koutou katoa.

Tēnā rā tātou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino.

We would like to extend our gratitude to each and every one of you who attended our Whakapapa wānanga at Pounamunui over the weekend. Your presence and active participation continues to contribute to the success of our wānanga and we are grateful for your support.

Our sincerest thanks to Timi Te Po, Raimona Inia and John Rapana who dedicated their time to leading and contributing to the discussions. Your unwavering commitment and expertise added immense value to our overall experience. 

To our haukāinga at Pounamunui Marae, thank you for hosting us.  The aroha, and warmth of the home fires felt that day did not go unnoticed. 

We look forward to continuing to come together again to share, learn and grow our knowledge  not only as individuals but as an iwi.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. 

Invitation to Ngāti Mākino Uri to attend the Hautapu Ceremony held at Motutawa - Ōpatia (Tāheke) Marae
Updated 21 June 2023 at 2.10pm

Mānawatia a Matariki,
Mānawatia te mātahi o te tau.

Kai ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino, kua tukuna a mātou whanaunga o Ngāti Hinerangi/Ngāti Hinekiri te reo pōhiri kia whakapiri atu mātou ki runga o Motutawa hei te 12 o Hūrae mo te Hautapu Umukohukohu Whetū o Te tokotoru a Manawakotokoto.

Kia mohio mai koutou, ehara tēnei huihuinga na Ngāti Mākino, engari ko tā Ngāti Mākino he piri atu ki te hāpai, ki te tautoko i ō mātou whanaunga o Ngāti Hinerangi/Ngāti Hinekiri mo tēnei o ngā kaupapa.

Ki reira wānanga ai me te ako i ngā nekenekehanga mo tēnei momo kaupapa kia āhei mātou te whakatū i tetehi Hautapu i runga i te mana o Ngāti Mākino hei te tau e heke mai nei.

Na reira ina e wātea ana koe, tēna nau mai, rarau mai ki tēnei o ngā kaupapa e whakanui ana i ngā tini āhuatanga o ngā kāhui whetū e mohitia ana ko Matariki.

Nā mātou o te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Tēnā koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

On behalf of our whanaunga of Ngāti Hinerangi/Ngāti Hinekiri, we would like to extend an invitation to all Ngāti Mākino uri to attend this years Hautapu Umukohukohu Whetū o Te Tokotoru a Manawakotokoto.

Every year we celebrate the constellation stars known as Matariki, which is also an opportunity to farewell our loved ones before they pass on beyond the realm in which we live.

We are fortunate this year to be in a position to attend, learn, observe and support our whanaunga. These learnings will provide us with a strong foundation to deliver a future Ngāti Mākino Hautapu Ceremony.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Ngāti Mākino Wānanga - 24 June 2023 @ Pounamunui Marae
Updated 15 June 2023 at 9.15am

Kei ōku nui, kei ōku rahi, tenei te reo o mihi e rere ana ki a koutou katoa e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Koinei te reo pōhiri ki a koutou ki te whakapiri mai ki to tātou wānanga mo ngā kōrero tuku iho mo ngā whakapapa

Ka wānanga mātou i ngā tini taura here o ā mātou whakapapa hei tuāpapa mo te iwi, ka pehea hoki ēnei taura here e tūhono ai tātou ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Hei te 24 o Hune 2023, 10am ki roto o Pounamunui Marae tū ai to tātou wānanga.

Tēna koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

Our next wānanga for the year will be taking place on Saturday 24 June 2023, 10am at Pounamunui Marae.

This kaupapa will focus on developing a base of kōrero tuku iho around whakapapa and how we use that base as a platform to explore our whakapapa at a deeper level moving into the future.

If you would like to attend, please register by clicking here

There are limited spaces, so be quick.


10:00am - Mihi, whakatau

10:30am - 12:30pm - Guest speakers

12:30pm - 12:45pm - Break

12:45PM - 2:00PM - Guest Speakers

2:00pm - 2:45pm - LUNCH

2:45pm - 3:00pm - Kōrero whakakapi (FINISH)

Ngā mihi

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - 8 June 2023
Updated 29 May 2023 at 11.12am

A Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Thursday 8 June at 10am, Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.


We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Closing of Grants - Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 3pm
Updated 24 May 2023 at 9.15am

A gentle reminder, our 2023 Grants will be closing on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 3pm.

If you would to apply please click on the link you require below

Kaumatua Grant -  click here
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Kaumatua Grant is to support our Kaumatua.

Kaumatua Heating Grant - click here
The purpose of the Kaumatua Heating Application is to manaaki our Kaumatua/Kuia so their well-being is enhanced during te wa makariri. 

Tertiary Grant - click here
The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Tertiary Grant is to support iwi members or their descendants to attain a higher qualification.

Marae Grant - click here
The purpose of this grant is to tautoko Ngāti Makino Marae and affiliate marae to meet the cultural spiritual and whanaungatanga needs of the iwi.

All marae must:

Be Mākino or recognised as Mākino affiliated
All Marae must make an application
Where applicable two quotes for costs must be provided
All applications must include account details
All grants are at the discretion of the Board
Capped funding based upon budget 

All payments will be made direct to the marae, the supplier or the provider


There is no digital application available online, you are required to put forward a written proposal that can be sent via email or post to:
Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Grants Committee
1256 Arawa Street

Your Iwi Members Portal
All grant applications are made through our system Your Iwi. If you need support with getting access or applying for our grants please contact our office. 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz

Wānanga - Extension of Thanks
Updated 22 May 2023 at 3.52pm

Tena koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino.

Ko tenei te au o mihi e rere ana ki a koutou i whai wāhi mai ki to tātou wānanga i tēnei mutunga wiki. Ki te hunga kaore i tae mai, ko ngā whakaaro kei a koutou i runga i te āhuatanga o te huarere e ngau kino nei i te whenua. Ko te tumanako e ora pai ana koutou katoa.                                                      

He mihi hoki tēnei ki a koutou e ngā ika-ā-whiro o Mākino a Allison, Kemara koutou ko Richie. Mei kore ake koutou, kua kore tēnei kaupapa e tutuki, kua kore tēnei wānanga e eke ki tana taumata.

Anei ētehi whakaahua hei whakarekareka i ēnei o ngā kōrero, ā, hei ā taihoa ake nei ka hui tahi ano ai tātou.

Tēna koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

We would like to acknowledge all those who took part in our wānanga over the weekend. We would also like to acknowledge all those who weren't able to make it due to the weather conditions and hope that you and your whānau are all doing ok during this time.

To our guest speakers Allison, Kemara and Richie, words alone can not describe how grateful we are as an iwi for the knowledge and experiences you shared that day. Without you our wānanga doesn't reach it's fullest potential and for that we thank you.

Below are some images that we managed to capture at our wānanga. 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Phone: 07 343 6588

Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz

Allison Brailey

Kemara Kennedy

Kemara Kennedy and Richard Francis

Wānanga 20 May 2023

URGENT NOTICE - Change of Venue for Wānanga 20 May 2023
Updated 19 May 2023 at 2.21pm

Kei aku nui, kei aku rāhi.

He pānui tēnei ki te whakamōhio atu ki a koutou, na te kaha heke o te marangai, kua hūnuku to tātou wānanga mo āpōpō mai i Te Waiiti Marae ki Pāruaharanui Marae, ko te wāhi o te marae nei kei 1435 Hamurana Road, Mourea.
Ina e peka ana mai koutou ki to tātou wānanga, tēna, kia tūpato ki runga i o koutou haerenga. E haukerekere katoa ana a Tawhirimātea i wā tātou rori.
Kia haumaru te noho e te whānau.

Nā mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Tena koutou e te whānau,
The Ngāti Mākino Wānanga scheduled tomorrow (20 May 2023 from 9.00am) will still be going ahead however, due to the severe weather conditions and flooding near/at Te Waiiti Marae we will be RELOCATING the Wānanga to Pāruaharanui Marae, 1435 Hamurana Road, Mourea.

We apologise for the inconvenience and remain hopeful that we will still see you all tomorrow.
For those travelling from afar, please look after yourselves and your whānau while on your journey.

Ngā mihi e te whanau from us here at Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

Reminder - Registrations for Wānanga 20 May 2023 @ Te Waiiti Marae close Wednesday 17 May.
Updated 15 May 2023 at 9.45am

A gentle reminder, we have our Wānanga scheduled for 20 May 2023 @ Te Waiiti Marae at 9am. Registration for this Wānanga close on Wednesday 17 May at 3pm. To register please click here

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Wānanga 20 May 2023 @ Te Waiiti Marae
Updated 8 May 2023 at 3.01pm

Kei ōku nui, kei ōku rahi, tenei te reo o mihi e rere ana ki a koutou katoa e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Koinei te reo pōhiri ki a koutou ki te whakapiri mai ki to tātou wānanga mo ngā Toi Maori

Ka ruku mātou ki ngā ahuatanga toi o te ao Māori pēra ki te whakairo, raranga, tāmoko me ētehi atu momo āhuatanga toi.

Ko ētehi o ngā kaikōrero ko Kemara Kennedy, Richard Francis, Allison Brailey, 

Hei te 20 o Mei, 10am ki Te Waiiti Marae tū ai to tātou wānanga.

Tēna koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

Our second wānanga for the year will be taking place on Saturday 20 May, 9am at Te Waiiti Marae.

This kaupapa will focus on Ngā Toi Maori, there will be three main mediums we will explore which will be Whakairo (Kemara), Tā-Moko (Richard) and Raranga (Allison). If time allows we will touch base on other mediums such as Pounamu and Stone carving and more modern Toi Maori that utilises digital devices.

If you would like to attend, please register by clicking here 

There are limited spaces, so be quick.



9:00am - Start - Mihi/whakatau

9:20am - Guest Speaker, Allison Brailey - Raranga
10:00am - Allison Q&A

10:10am - BREAK

10:20am - Guest Speaker, Kemara Kennedy - Whakairo
11:00am - Kemara Q&A

11:10am - BREAK

11:20am - Guest Speaker, Richard Francis - Tā moko
11:50am - Richard Q&A

12:00pm - Korero Whakakapi - Lunch

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07-3436588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz

Ōtamarākau Farms Trust Annual General Meeting
Updated on 8 May 2023 at 8.58am


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of Owners
will be held at Ōtamārakau Marae, Ōtamarākau on Saturday 20 May 2023 at 10.00 a.m.


1. Karakia timatanga

2. Apologies

3. Confirmation of Agenda

4. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting and Matters Arising

5. Annual Report for the Financial Year Ended 30 June 2022

6. Marae Grant

7. Election of two Trustees

8. Karakia whakamutunga

Laurance Tamati

Please Note:

A. Nominations and Proxies must be lodged with the Secretary’s office no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday 17 th May 2023 at 5pm. 2/1176 Amohau Street, 2 nd Floor Pukeroa Oruawhata House P.O. Box 12003 ROTORUA

B. Notices, Nomination and Proxy forms have been emailed to all owners with known email addresses. The Notice has also been posted on the Ngāti Mākino website www.ngatimakino.co.nz and Facebook page. The Annual Report will be available from Monday the 15th May 2023.  electronic copy can be obtained by contacting, Secretary -  Sita Huta, Email: shuta@deloitte.co.nz or Phone 07 343 1050. Hard copies will be available at the AGM.

C. Lunch will be served at the conclusion of the meeting.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority


Updated on 1 May 2023 at 7:35am 

The Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui scheduled for today (1 May 2023) at Ōtamarākau Marae has been CANCELLED due to the weather. 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui - 1 May 2023
Updated on 21 April 2023 at 10.44am

A reminder, a Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Monday 1 May at 10am, Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.


We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

CANCELLATION OF WĀNANGA  - Pounamunui/Houmaitawhiti Marae - 22 April 2023
Updated on 20 April 2023 at 2.24pm

Tena koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino,

He pānui tēnei ki te whakamohio atu ki a koutou, me whakatārewatia ai tō tātou wānanga i whakaritea ai mo tēnei Rā Horoi. 

Hei ā taihoa ake nei ka whakaritea tetehi rangi anō kia tū ai tō tātou wānanga.

Nei rā a mātou whakapāhā e rere atu nei ki a koutou katoa mo te tōmuri mai o tēnei o ngā karere.

Kia haumaru te noho ki ou koutou kainga maha e te whānau.

Tena koutou e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel our wānanga that was due to be held this Saturday 22 April at Pounamunui Marae.

Once we are in a position to confirm the details of our next wānanga we will inform you. 

Kia haumaru te noho ki ou koutou kainga maha e te whānau. 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Phone:07 343 6588

Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Reminder - Registrations for Wānanga 22 April at Pounamunui/Houmaitawhiti Marae CLOSES TODAY.

Updated on 17 April 2023 at 10.41am

A gentle reminder we have our Wānanga scheduled at Pounamunui/Houmaitawhiti Marae this Saturday 22 April from 10am. Registrations for this Wānanga will CLOSE TODAY at 3pm. To register for this Wānanga click here   please register by clicking here. 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 3436588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Office Closed 

Updated on 13 April 2023

We apologise for the short notice, the office is closed today for staff training. We will resume office hours 9am - 3pm Friday 14 April.

Wānanga 22 April @ Pounamunui Marae

Updated on 4 April 2023

Kei ōku nui, kei ōku rahi, nō tawhiti, nō tata, tenei te reo o mihi e rere nei ki a koutou katoa e ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Koinei te karanga ki a koutou ki te whakapirI mai ki to tātou wānanga mo ngā kōrero tuku iho e pā ana ki ngā whakapapa o Ngāti Mākino.

Ko te kaupapa matua mo tēnei wānanga ko ngā taura here ki tō tātou tupuna a Tutauaroa, te mātamua o ngā tamariki a Waitaha raua ko Te Ngaruhora.

Ko ētehi o ngā kaikōrero ko Koro Te Ariki Morehu, John Rapana rātou ko Timi Te Po Hohepa.

Hei te 22 o Āperira, 10am ki Pounamunui Marae tū ai to tātou wānanga.


Tēna koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

Our second wānanga for the year will be taking place on Saturday 22 April, 10am at Pounamunui Marae, Okere Falls.

The overarching kaupapa will be kōrero tuku iho around whakapapa, the whakapapa we will be looking at in particular is our lineage to our tupuna Tutauaroa, who is the eldest child of Waitaha and Te Ngaruhora. Our guest speakers will be Koro Te Ariki Morehu, John Rapana and Timi Te Po Hohepa and they will be focusing on who Tutauaroa is and why he is such an important part of our whakapapa as Mākino uri. 

If you would like to attend, please register by clicking here. 

There are limited spaces, so be quick.


Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Recruitment opportunity: POU TIKANGA and POU AWHINA

Updated on 22 March 2023 at 1.28pm

Decolonisation Wānanga - Extension of thanks

Updated on 13 March 2023 at 10:41am

Tena ra koutou e te whānau o Ngāti Mākino,

Tenei rā te au o mihi e rere ana ki a koutou i tae mai ki to tātou wānanga ki Ōtamarākau Marae.

Ko koutou i whakakanohi i ta koutou whānau otirā i to tātou iwi o Ngāti Mākino.

Mei kore ake koutou, kua kore a mātou wawata e ea, kua kore a kaupapa i tutuki.

He mihi hoki tēnei ki ngā kaikorero mo tēnei o ngā wānanga a Kirikowhai raua ko John.

Ko kōrua tērā i kawea mai a kōrua matauranga, a kōrua pūkenga hei kai ma te iwi, na runga i tera ahuatanga me mihi ka tika.

Kua tō te rā ki tenei o ngā wānanga, engari hei a taihoa ake nei ka whakamohio atu ki a koutou ngā nekenekehanga mo ta tātou wānanga tuarua mo te tau.

Mākino tangata, Mākino iwi,

Nei ra mātou ngā kaimahi o NMIA e mihi ana.

Tena ra koutou e te whānau o Ngāti Mākino,

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge all those who attended our wānanga at Ōtamarākau.

By you attending you not only were there as a face for your whānau, but also as a face for the iwi.

Our hopes and ambitions for this kaupapa would not have been a success had it not been for you taking the time to be with us.

We would also like to acknowledge our guest speakers Kirikowhai and John, the knowledge you shared with our people will hold our iwi in good stead for generations to come.

The sun has now set on our first wānanga for the year, and we will inform you all soon as to what and where our next wānanga will take place.

Once again from all of the whānau here at NMIA we would like to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to share space in our wānanga and we hope to see you all again at future wānanga.

Ngā mihi e te whānau.

REMINDER - Registrations for Wānanga and Te Pae o Kahukura Closing TODAY

Updated on 8 March 2023 at 12:06pm

A reminder that the registrations for the Decolonisation Wānanga scheduled for this Saturday 11 March and our Te Reo Program (Te Pae o Kahukura) ARE CLOSING TODAY

To register for the Decolonisation Wānanga click here.

To register for our 12 Week Te Reo Program (Te Pae o Kahukura) click here.

Nga mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority


Updated on 6 March 2023 at 8:48pm

Tena koutou e te whānau o Ngāti Mākino,

Registrations are open for our second 12 week Te Reo Program (Te Pae o Kahukura). These classes will be offered face to face and online via ZOOM on Wednesdays between 6pm - 7pm. Classes will commence on March 15th, venue is yet to be confirmed.

Registrations will close on Wednesday 8 March 2023.

Click here to register - https://forms.gle/G4Wt4dvbybYTXzYTA 

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority


Updated on 3 March 2023 at 2:31pm

Mākino Iwi, Mākino tangata,

Nei ra te au o mihi me te reo o karanga e rere ana ki a koutou katoa.

Hei te 11 o Maehe tū ai tō tātou wānanga tuatahi mo te tau nei ki roto o Ōtamarākau.

Ko tenei whitiata he paku whakamaramatanga mo ngā kai korero mo tēnei o ngā kaupapa.

Hei a taihoa ake nei kia hui tahi ano ai tātou ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino.

Tena Koutou e te iwi o Ngāti Mākino,

A gentle reminder, our first Wānanga will take place on Saturday 11 March, 10am at Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.

Here is a snippet from our guest speakers who will be attending on the day, John Rapana-Environmental Manager for NMIA (Normalising Matauranga Māori in an ecological space) and Kirikowhai Mikaere (Data Sovereignty).


10:00am - Pohiri

10:30am - Kōrero Whakatau

10:45am - Guest speaker (Kirikowhai Mikaere)

11:15am - Q & A

11:30am - Lunch time

12:15pm - Guest speaker (John Rapana)

12:45pm - Q&A

1.00pm - Kōrero whakakapi (closing speeches)

1.15pm - Finish

If you would like to attend, please register by clicking here.

There are limited spaces, so be in quick.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui 6 March 2023

Updated on 27 February 2023 at  2.30pm

A gentle reminder, a Koeke Hui has been scheduled for Monday 6 March at 10am at Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.


We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Ngāti Mākino Wānanga 11 March 2023

Updated on 14 February 2023 at 3.05pm

E aku iti, e aku rahi, nei rā te reo o pōhiri e rere ana ki a koutou otira tatou ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino. Hei te 11 o Poutu-te-rangi, ka tū ai tō tātou wānanga tuatahi mo te tau ki roto o Ōtamarākau, ko tana kaupapa ko te whakamaoritanga o to tatou ao (Decolonisation). Ka timata hei te 10:00am ka mutu a te 1.15pm.

Ko ngā kaikōrero mo tēnei o ngā kaupapa ko Kirikowhai Mikaere raua ko John Rapana.  He ika-a-whiro raua mo tēnei o ngā kaupapa.

Ko ngā kōrero a Kirikowhai ka hangi pū atu ki te Data Sovereignty me āna tini pakiaka.

Ko ngā kōrero a John Rapana e hāngai ana ki te taiao me āna hononga ki a tātou te tangata.

Ina hiahia ana koe te piri mai ki tēnei o ngā wānanga, tena rēhita mai.

Hei a taihoa ake nei hongi tahi ano ai tātou.

Kia ora koutou,

On the 11th of March our first wānanga for the year will take place at Ōtamarākau Marae. The day will start at 10am and finish at 1.15pm. The kaupapa for this wānanga will be Decolonisation.

Our guest speakers will be Kirikowhai Mikaere (Data Sovereignty) and John Rapana (Normalising Matauranga Maori in an ecological space)

If you would like to attend, please register by clicking on the link below.


There are limited spaces, so be in quick.

Ngā mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Cyclone Gabrielle

Updated on 14 February 2023 at 9:18am

We are hoping that our Ngāti Mākino whanau are keeping safe and well. For those of our uri who are on the coast (Maketu, Pukehina and Ōtamarākau) that have been affected by the cyclone, Poutiri Trust are providing support by way of emergency accomodation and meals. Please contact them directly on 07 573 0091 if you need support. If it is an emergency please call 111.  In the meantime, if you can, please limit your travel and stay home to allow for our emergency services to tend to those heavily impacted by the cyclone. 

Our office is open however we do encourage you to reach out via email or phone if you need to contact us.

We hope you remain safe and well. Kia haumaru te noho. 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Pānui - Heavy rain warning (RED)

Updated on 1 February 2023 at 7:34pm

Mākino tangata, Mākino iwi.

Nei ra ko te au o mihi, nei ra hoki a whakaaro e rere ana ki a koutou, otirā ki a tātou ngā uri o Ngāti Mākino e ākina ana e te marangai i tenei wa.

Ki ngā whānau e rongo nei i ngā taumahatanga o te wā. Ko aroha, ko whakaaro nui, ka mutu ko mihi ka noho hei hoa haere ki a koutou katoa. 

A heavy rain warning (RED) is in place for parts of the Bay of Plenty.  According to MetService New Zealand, the Heavy Rain Warnings and Strong Wind Watches have now expired for Auckland and Northland as the heaviest rain has now moved through.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority are working closely with Poutiri Trust and Whanau Ora to provide some support to those Ngāti Mākino uri who have been affected by the floods. 

Work and Income (0800 400 100) are able to provide immediate support with regards to; 

These events serve as a reminder of the importance of having an emergency plan in place, that your household is familiar with incase you need to implement it. 

Please check on our Koeke, vulnerable neighbours and our whanau, they may also need a helping hand.  Be vigilant and stay safe.

Kia haumaru te noho ki wa koutou kainga maha e te whānau. Na mātou te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

2023 Ngāti Mākino Grants are OPEN

Updated on 16 January 2023 at 2:40pm

Our 2023 Grants are now LIVE. Our grants will remain open from 16 January 2023 - December 2023 (Tertiary, Marae and Kaumatua Grants will close on 31 May 2023). Please see below for a brief description on each grant.

Tertiary Education Grant   - Apply here

The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Tertiary Grant is to support iwi members or their descendants to attain a higher qualification.

The Grant is also made to encourage and grow iwi whanaungatanga and iwi leadership, therefore all successful uri are required to fully participate and engage in Ngāti Mākino, hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.

Tertiary Grants are made available for tertiary study and apprenticeships.

Kaumātua Grant  - Apply here

The purpose of our Ngāti Mākino Kaumatua Grant is to support our Kaumatua.

Kaumātua Heating Grant - Apply here

The purpose of the Kaumatua Heating Application is to manaaki our Kaumatua / Kuia so their well-being is enhanced during te wa makariri. 

Hauora Grant - Apply here

The purpose of the Hauora Grant is to help improve the health and well being of all Ngāti Mākino uri and to encourage greater participation and engagement in Ngāti Mākino hui, kaupapa, mahi and events.

Hauora grants are provided as a contribution to the costs of one off hauora needs, that improve the quality of life of iwi members.

Hearing Aid Grant - Apply here

The purpose of the Hearing Aid Grant is to help improve the hearing of our registered Ngāti Mākino uri 16 years and older.

The hearing aid grant will provide fifty (50) registered iwi members with free hearing tests and a fully funded* pair of hearing aids, exclusively with Triton Hearing per year.

*Fully funded means that the hearing aid devices are being funded by Ngāti Mākino, Ministry of Health and Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). 

Your Iwi Members Portal

All grant applications are made through our system Your Iwi. If you need support with getting access or applying for our grants please contact our office. 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

E te Pāpā e Muriwai....

Updated on 9th January 2023 at 11.45am

Kotahi tau ki muri ka riro tō tātou pou whakaruruhau a Muriwai Ihakara ki te au kume o taeninihi, ki te tōnga o te marino.

Nei rā mātou e whakamānawa ana i to tātou tangata a Pāpā Muriwai.  E rere tonu ana te aroha ki tōna makau a Venus me a rāua tamariki.  

E te Pāpā, e ngana tonu ana mātou ki te whakatinana i ōu whakakitenga mō tō iwi ā haere ake nei te wā. 

E te pāpā e Muriwai, takoto mai ra koe i te rangatiratanga o te mate.

Christmas Break

Updated on 16 December 2022 at 12:13pm

"Nei rā te mihi maioha a te whānau o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority ki a koutou a tātou hoa haere i roto i ēnei mahi. Ma ngā taura here e tuhonohono ai tātou ki a tātou ano haere ake nei "

From the whānau here at Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority we would like to wish you all a safe and merry xmas. May the bonds that have allowed us to cross paths forever be interwoven"

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Te Pae o Kahukura

Updated on 9 December 2022 at 1:45pm

E Ngāti Mākino whānui, tahuri mai rā, titiro iho! Kua riwhatia ngā mahi a Te Pae o Kahukura e te rangapū tuatahi. E ngahuru mā rua ngā wiki i whāia ai e ngā tauwira kia puta ai rātau hai tūtirahōkai, hai niwha o Te Pae o Kahukura. Ko Te Pae o Kahukura he āpure mō te hunga mahira ki te ako i te reo Māori, otirā i te reo o Ngāti Mākino. Ko te awhero o Ngāti Mākino, kia nui ake te tokomaha o ngā uri a Ngāti Makino e kōrero ana i te reo Māori, kia kounga te reo o ngā uri, kia mōhio ai ngā uri ki te reo o Ngāti Makino, kia mārama hoki ngā uri ki ngā tikanga me ngā kawa o Ngati Makino.

Hai tēnei rā ono te 10 o ngā rā o Tihema ka whakanuia, ka whakamānawatia ngā tūtirahōkai me ngā niwha nō te rangapū tuatahi e Ngāti Makino.

Nā reira! E kōtou e waku manu kahukura, e tū! Kia whakatopa kaihautia te rangi!

If you are interested to partake in the next intake for Te Pae o Kahukura, keep a look out for the registration that will be made public after the information night scheduled for Wednesday February 15th 2023 5 – 6pm, venue tbc. Please note that spaces will be limited.    

Grants closing date and Christmas Break

Updated on 1 December 2022 at 10.32am


Our Hauora Grant and Hearing Aid Grant will be closing on Friday 16 December 2022 at 10am.


Our office will be closed from 3pm on Friday 16 December 2022 and we will reopen on Monday 9 January 2022.

Board Secretary Position

Updated on 29 November 2022 at 1:28pm

We are currently looking for a Board Secretary to provide administration support to the Board, Directors and Sub Committees.

To apply for this position email sandie@ngatimakino.co.nz with a cover letter and CV.

See below for more details;

Ngāti Mākino Annual General Meeting

Updated on 18 November 2022 at 2:00pm

A gentle reminder we have our Ngāti Mākino Annual General Meeting tomorrow (19 November 2022) at Ōtamarākau Marae at 10.00am. We are looking forward to seeing you all apopo.

Ngāti Mākino Annual Report 2022

Updated on 15 November at 9:50am

Tena koutou, 

The Annual Report for 2022 can be viewed/downloaded by clicking here.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Pou Awhina Recruitment

Updated on 10 November 2022 at 11:19

Exciting Iwi Role. Utilise your administration, communications, technical and cultural expertise.

Apply for this position by emailing sandie@ngatimakino.co.nz with a cover letter and CV

Change to office hours

Updated on 8 November 2022 at 9:27am

Tena koutou katoa,

Our office hours will be changing temporarily from today due to the office being under staffed.

Our new hours are Monday to Friday from 9am - 3pm until further notice. All staff will be available via their work mobiles if you need to contact them.

Landline - 07 343 6588
Cintina - 022 516 4090
John - 022 709 3309
Sandie - 027 585 4133

Nga mihi

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Rā Hauora 2022

Updated on 7 November 2022 at 12:15pm

Over the weekend we celebrated our Rā Hauora at Ōtamarākau Marae. It was an enjoyable day and we saw many of our Ngāti Mākino uri come together for a good cause, engaging with our providers and guest speakers. We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to the following;


Guest Speakers


We would like to hear your feedback. Please email us admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 

Nga mihi,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Koeke hui scheduled for 7 November at 10.00am

Updated on 3 November 2022 at 2:32pm


Ngāti Mākino kōeke are invited to attend the kōeke hui held on Monday 7th November at 10.00am at Ōtamarākau Marae, Ōtamarākau.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Phone: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz  

Call for Expression of Interest  - Ecological Restoration Field Assistants

Updated on 2 November 2022 at 11:47am


Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority would like to invite you to our Rā Hauora

Rā: 5th November 2022
Wā: 10:00am - 1:30pm
Kei Hea: Ōtamarākau Marae, Pukehina

To register please click the link below:


I runga i te tauwhirotanga,

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
Ph: 07 343 6588
Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz

Ngāti Mākino Annual General Meeting 2022

Updated on 22 October 2022 at 5.36am

New changes to Hauora Grant Criteria

Updated on 21 October 2022 at 5.00pm

We have made some changes to the Hauora Grant Criteria. We have introduced categories and are also allowing more applications per iwi member.

Category 1

Category 2

You are now able to apply once under Category 1 and twice under Category 2.

If you have already received a Hauora Grant this year you will see that a submission has already been made by our office under Category 1 therefore you are not able to apply again until the 2023 grants round opens.

To apply for a Hauora grant click here

If you have any queries please contact our office.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Phone: 07 343 6588

Email: admin@ngatimakino.co.nz  

Office Relocation

Updated on 13 October 2022 at 12.23pm

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority are now operating out of The Arawa House, 1256 Arawa Street in ROTORUA. Our new phone number is 07 343 6588. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all in our new office space.


Updated on 12 October 2022 at 3:48pm

Kia ora whānau,

We are seeking expressions of interest for a full time position of Pou Tikanga. This role will focus on the development of the Ngāti Mākino Te Reo Strategy (Kia Makino). You are expected to have a clear understanding and practice of Mākinotanga. You will drive the development to help guide our iwi, hapū, marae and whānau. You will also contribute to positive and meaningful change within Ngāti Mākino.

Some responsibilities include but are not limited to;

2. Mana Tuku Iho:

a. Develop & implement an understanding of Mākinotanga

If you believe you have the desired skills and passion for this role, please send your interest and CV to Sandie Rota - Pouwhakahaere via sandie@ngatimakino.co.nz  or for a confidential korero please call 0275854133.

Applications close on Wednesday 19th October 2022 at 4pm.


Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority

Triton Hearing Partnership - Hearing Aid Grant 

Updated on 6 October 2022 at 5:00pm

Pou Awhina Vacancy

Updated on 16 September 2022 at 8:49am 

Exciting Iwi Role. Utilise your administration, communications, technical and cultural expertise.

We are looking for an experienced administration and communications guru to organise and strengthen the participation and involvement of the Ngāti Mākino membership.

See below for more details. Applications to close on 22 September at 5pm. To apply please forward a cover letter and your CV to Cintina@ngatimakino.co.nz  

Wananga on 17 September POSTPONED

Updated on 6 September 2022 at 1:51pm

The Wānanga scheduled for 17 September has been POSTPONED until further notice. 


Updated on 1 September 2022 at 11:53am


Updated on 1 September 2022 at 9.13am

Registrations for Te Pae o Kahukura (Te Reo Program) will be closing tomorrow evening (Friday 2 September) @ 5pm.

To ensure you dont miss out click below and register!

To learn more about Te Pae o Kahukura click here https://www.ngatimakino.co.nz/te-reo-classes 


Updated on 30 August 2022 at 12: 57pm

The Koeke Hui will now be  on Monday 12th September at Ōtamarākau Marae at 10.00am


Updated on 25 August 2022 at 11.18pm

Thank you to those who joined us physically and virtually tonight to listen to the korero around the launch of our Te Reo Program - TE PAE O KAHUKURA.

REGISTRATIONS CLOSE on Thursday 1st September @ 5pm

Our website has also been updated to include more details around the program https://www.ngatimakino.co.nz/te-reo-classes 

A huge thank you to Arapeta for facilitating tonight and to our three Pukenga Matene, Kanapu and Rangitiaria for sharing your knowledge and providing insight and context to Te Pae o Kahukura. 


Updated on 25 August 2022 at 1.00pm

A gentle reminder that tonight @ 5pm we are holding an info evening for TE PAE O KAHUKURA (Te Reo Class) here at our office Level 1, 1108 Fenton Street, ROTORUA.

If you are unable to make it but you still want to be apart of our info evening you can register to join our ZOOM which will go live at 5pm. 

Register here to join via zoom. 

Zoom registrations close at 4pm. A link to those registered to join will be sent out before 5pm.

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Updated on 23 August 2022 at 1:53pm

The Ngāti Mākino Koeke hui has been rescheduled for Monday 5 September, 10.00am at Ōtamarākau Marae


Updated on 19 August 2022 at 1:10pm

The Koeke Hui originally scheduled for Monday 22nd August at Otamarakau Marae has been postponed until further notice due to the nehu for Tā Toby Curtis being scheduled on the same day.


Updated on 17 August 2022 at 1:40pm


Updated on 5 August 2022 at 1.00pm

There has been a change in leadership roles within Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority which has seen Neville Nepia resign as General Manager for personal reasons however, he remains with Ngati Mākino as a Kia Mākino Facilitator. We are now in a position to recruit a General Manager to lead and manage operations for Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. Please see below for more details. 

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Board of Trustees

Ngāti Mākino Koeke Hui

Updated on 4 August 2022 at 8.50am

A Ngāti Mākino koeke hui will be held at Ōtamarākau Marae on Monday 22 August at 10.00am.

RANGER BIODIVERSITY - Department of Conservation

Updated 21 July 2022 at 10.30am

The above role is being advertised by DOC. Click here for more details on the role

For more information please contact Bex Newland on 027 578 0985 or rnewland@doc.govt.nz 

Matariki & Ngāti Mākino Settlement Celebrations

Updated 28 June 2022 at 10:40am

Counting down the days until our celebrations

We encourage you to register now. We are nearly at full capacity of 100 registrants.

We will begin our day with Karakia at 6am in the morning. Please come dressed warm as we expect it will be chilly.

If you are registered on the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Register and you would like to register your attendance to our Matariki and Ngāti Mākino Celebrations, please register your attendance  by  Clicking here

If you are not registered on the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Register, please Click Here to register with Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority.

See you all on Saturday

Poutiri Trust are celebrating Matariki

Updated 23 June 2022 at 5pm

Tsunami Warning (CANCELLED)

Updated on 5 March at 1.17pm

The Tsunami Warning has now been cancelled. Those people who evacuated can return home.

The threat to land and marine areas remains, so we continue to ask people to stay away from beaches and other shore areas – this includes harbours and estuaries until it has been lifted.

Currents may be strong and unpredictable and there is a danger to swimmers, surfers, people fishing, small boats and anyone in or near the water close to shore.

As a reminder people in all New Zealand coastal areas should:

Thank you again to everyone who evacuated this morning and for your cooperation in helping keep everyone safe.


 Updated on 5 March at 12.04pm

Just a reminder that coastal areas WEST OF MATATA should expect strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges near the shore. This means a threat to beach, harbour, estuary and small boat activities. People MUST stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries). STAY OFF beaches and shore areas. There's a danger to swimmers, surfers, people fishing, small boats and anyone in or near the water close to shore.


If you have whānau that have been asked to evacuate following this morning’s magnitude 8.1 earthquake, please remain evacuated until the warning has been lifted. In the Bay of Plenty this covers those in low lying areas EAST of Matatā – including Whakatāne and Ōpōtiki.


Keep an eye on www.civildefence.govt.nz for the latest information.


Updated on 5 March at 10.00am

In light of the most recent Tsunami warning we have decided to postpone our registration roadshow at Ōtamarākau Marae today. We will advise when the next scheduled date will be as soon as practical.

Kia haumaru e te iwi

Registration Roadshow Panui

Updated on 2 March at 4.23pm

Strategic Plan Wānanga 6 March from 9.00am - 1.00pm   

Upated on 2 March 2021 at 12.45pm

We have the strategic plan wānanga scheduled for this Saturday 6 March starting at 9.00am - 1.00pm. As you are aware we are at Alert Level 2 until at least until 6.00am Sunday 7 March 2021.

The wānanga will still go ahead as planned but we will ensure we: 

If you are unwell please stay at home 

If you are unwell and you have flu or cold symptoms, muscle aches and fatigue you should self - isolate and have a test 

If there is a change in our current level 2 status we will update this panui. Kia haumaru te  noho i o kainga kia tau te mauri kia tatau katoa

Ngāti Mākino Strategic Plan Development Survey 

Updated on 26 February 2021 @ 4.21pm

We, Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority are developing our new strategic plan and would like feedback from our Registered Iwi Members (18 years and older) to help shape and inform the Plan.

Originally the plan was to be completed in 2020 but Covid 19 impacted our ability to engage fully with you.

We have a planned wānanga for the strategic plan on March 6 2021 at Ōtamarākau marae ( 10 - 1pm). This survey is another opportunity for you to engage in this important kaupapa that will help focus our efforts over the next three years.

The feedback from the wānanga and this survey will help us finalise the new strategic plan.

*The survey will be available until 13 March 2021.

*You can only submit one response per person.


Your Iwi Database Announcement

Updated on 22 February 2021 @ 2.14pm

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority is excited to announce that we are migrating to a new Database called Your Iwi. Iwi members will be able to access their Your Iwi Profile from 1st March 2021.

So what does this mean for me as an Iwi Member?

It means that you will have the ability to log into your Your Iwi Profile to;

Who will assist me if I need support logging into my Your Iwi profile?

Logging into your Your Iwi account for the first time is called *onboarding. To assist with the onboarding process we will make available online resources (including how to videos etc) which can be accessed via our website.

We will also be doing a *registration roadshow with (Your Iwi Staff and Mākino Staff). You can visit us at one of these locations for some one on one support to be onboarded.

Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Office - Closed Friday 4 October 2024

Updated Monday, 30 September - 1.15pm 2024

Ngā mihi mahana e te whānau,

The Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority office at 1256 Arawa Street, Rotorua, will be closed this Friday 4 October due to a tree coming down at the front of the offices. We will be working from home. 

If you have any enquires please contact me on 022 407 7185, alternatively you can email kirimatao@ngatimakino.co.nz

Kia pai te wiki kei te haere.

Noho ora mai rā,

Nā te tari o Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority